Thursday, 10 October 2013

A Conversation on Twitter between, Emad and Fathy on Conscientious Objection how long has it been since you refused to obey compulsory military service in Egypt?

Emad: I was required to be present at the recruiting area on January 2012. I didn't and declared my refusal on April. Wow, over 1.5 years since you refused compulsory service. What has the response been from the Egyptian govt and others?

Emad: The Egyptian military and the government don't care, they didn't even bother to respond to my letters I sent them twice.

Fathy: they ignored us and never respond to the letters Are there restrictions on what you can do now?

Emad: I'm not allowed to make post-graduate studies, to work or to travel abroad. The military can arrest and capture me for 3 years! What demands do young refusers have of the Egypt govt & military?

Fathy: That is transfer me for the civil service do not follow the military in anything Is govt under el-Sisi more restrictive to you & other refusers?

Emad: The government under el-Sisi isn't different at all from the governments under Morsi or Tantawi. It's all the same regime. What's your main reason for saying #NoEgyptMilService?

Emad: Egypt's military service is a perfect example of modern slavery that the world chose to stay silent on.

Fathy: i do not believe in war or using weapons and violence is solution for making peace Is the #NoEgyptMilService message accepted in Egypt? Obviously government has come down hard on you, but is the message growing?

Emad: #NoEgyptMilService message is growing but slowly and totally accepted by whom it concern most: potential recruits What resources/actions can human rights groups & others contribute to the cause #NoEgyptMilService? What support do you need?

Emad: Human rights groups can sign a statement @NoMilService made demanding #Egypt to recognize conscientious objection & speak out!

Fathy: in Egypt we need the NGOs to be more legally cooperative What do you think of the American military assistance to Egypt?

Emad: It's a military assistance, not for helping liberties, however it was a promise from the US to Egypt after Camp David accords.
Egypt has and continues to violate the Camp David accords, yet Israel and the US never bothered to complain.

Fathy: I think its time to assist Egypt in the field of liberties instead What's next for you personally @EmadPax @Fathy ? Any optimism that your punishment will end for saying #NoEgyptMilService?

Emad: Everything is possible. I believe that things change when people start to think deeply and with compassion, to choose to change

Fathy: When people realize that violence and wars are a closed circle not producing real peace or tolerance, and when people ask for a civilian service Really great thoughts on dissent & military service in Egypt from @mo3bdo & @EmadPax. Follow @NoMilService & on FB:

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