No to Compulsory Military
Service Movement supports the Conscientious Objector Kamal El-ghety in his
request to be excepted from the compulsory Military Education subject. The
universities organization law requires every Egyptian male student to attend a
subject on Military Education in order to get his graduation certificate.
Kamal has submitted a written
request addressed to Cairo University dean Mr. Gaber Gad Nassar asking him to
exclude the former from attending the Military Education subject. The subject
contradicts with his pacifist beliefs, and his discomfort with being used as a
tool in armed conflicts. The subject promotes for values such as blind
disobedience making it a crime to reject any order as well as it discriminates
between Egyptians on terms of their gender, according to El-ghety. Forcing
El-ghety to attend the subject is a blatant violation of the international law,
and article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political rights in
particular that bans any “coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to
adopt a religion or belief of his choice.” Cairo University has rejected
El-ghety’s request.
The movement believes that
rejecting that request is a shameful reaction from a civil organization that is
supposed to respect and promote the values of individual freedom and most
importantly the freedom of belief.
The movement demands the
exception of El-ghety from attending the compulsory Military Education subject
and taking some measurements to totally abolish it and to end the Military
Forces domination over the civilian life in Egypt by militarizing schools and
* Most of the Egyptian university students are forced to
attend the military education subject, which establishes the principles of
conscription, and considers it a prerequisite to obtain a graduation
certificate, which contradicts with many individual rights guaranteed by the
international law and treaties.